The Tilt-Wing Aircraft of Alberto Jona.

By Roberto Gentilli (Translated and edited by L. Pavese) To leave an established company like FIAT, in 1932, during a great depression that was impoverishing Europe, was not really a good idea; to leave the company to become an aircraft designer was surely madness. But Alberto Jona did exactly that, and the result were a few very interesting aircraft. Jona was born in 1904, graduated in engineering from the Politecnico of Turin and in 1928 joined the Ufficio Tecnico Motori di Aviazione FIAT (the technical department of FIAT Aviation Engines division), where he worked at the fine tuning of the A.S.3 engines for the Schneider Cup race. In 1929 he went to Calshot, in Hampshire County, U.K., where he followed the unsuccessful try-outs of the M.67 and C.29 seaplane-racers, and subsequently he worked at the preparation of the A.S.6 engine for Francesco Agello's record flight. He later transferred...