
Showing posts from December, 2022

The Aermacchi with a Trailer

  Another Successful Aermacchi (Even if it never flew!) By the GAVS Turin section When we first got the news about the chance of restoring an Aermacchi of the early post-war period, designed by Dr. Bazzocchi, with a tricycle wheel arrangement and two side-by-side seats, we all thought about the delightful and eternal M.B. 308 aircraft (one of which, registered I-BIOH, is still flying today in Turin). Later, when we got more information, even though the names of the company and the designer matched, it became clear that the object of the restoration was very different from an airplane. It was in fact a Macchitre M.B.1, that is, a sort of tricycle...(excuse me!): it should be properly called a “Three-wheel truck with trailer towing capabilities,” (in Italian: Autocarro a tre route con possibilità di rimorchio ), as Aermacchi’s advertisement pompously described it at the time. A new adventure began for our group. After all, the M.B.1 three-wheel truck was a product of an aeronautical co

The Relics from the East

  Tryphon Saint Tryphon and His Devotion By Fr. Giuseppe Diana (Translated by L. Pavese) The relics that came from the Orient. Saint Basil the Great (329-379 AD), wrote about the relics of the martyrs: “By touching the relics of the martyrs we participate in the sanctity and in the grace contained therein.” The worship of the relics of  martyrs spread throughout the Roman Empire, especially after Emperor Constantine’s Edict of Milan of 313, when freedom of worship led also to some excesses; to the point that Emperor Theodosius l (347-395 AD) had to prohibit the transportation of the relics, although his edict did not go actually into effect, and only in a limited way, until the 9 th century. According to the Sinexarion of Constantinople and the Russian calendars, the reported day of the martyrdom of Saint Tryphon was February 2 but due to the Candlemas, it was moved to February 3. With the adoption of the Gregorian calendar, which was enthusiastically welcomed in Europe, Pope Clemen

The Gifts from the Orient

                          The Aromatic Plants             by Fr. Claudio Doglio              Aromatic plants are mentioned many times in the gospels. When Jesus refers to the hypocrisy of the Pharisees, who paid the tithe on low value plants also, he names a series of them: “ Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, you hypocrites. You pay tithes of mint and dill and cumin and have neglected the weightier things of the law: judgment and mercy and fidelity. (But) these you should have done, without neglecting the others.” (Mt 23,23). Luke’s parallel text also mentions the rue. (Luke 11,42). Jesus’ reproach is obvious: you are finicky and pedantic about minutia, but you neglect much more important things. There are also two more aromatic plants that play a significant role in a few episodes of the Gospel, although they are not original of Palestine: myrrh and nard. Myrrh is a thorny plant, ovate leaves, and little red flowers. It grows mainly in Ethiopia, that is its original environ


  L.P. Dopo aver progettato e costruito, con l’aiuto dei suoi studenti (Iscold è un anche un professore universitario) due aerei da record, un’ala per un velivolo da Formula 1 per conto di Cassutt e un aereo acrobatico categoria Unlimited, Iscold decise così di andare in Germania, fra una corsa di Red Bull e l’altra... Veleggiando su un filo di Eric Stewart (traduzione di L. Pavese) Il miglior modo per spronare Paulo Iscold a far qualcosa è dirgli, o scommettere con lui, che non lo possa fare. Correva l’inverno del 2015, e Paulo stava cercando un nuovo progetto nel quale impegnarsi, dopo che il suo Anequim aveva stabilito cinque record mondiali durante l’estate precedente. Anequim Un extempore di un aereo da corsa da portare a Reno, inviatomi da Paulo, era apparso ad un certo punto nella mia casella di posta elettronica; ma sembrava un’idea molto costosa, e Iscold non aveva trovato ancora un mecenate che la finanziasse. E nemmeno qualcuno che gli prestasse un motore Rolls Royce Merlin,