
Showing posts from April, 2024

The Vanguard must die in Bolivia

       “The National Vanguard,” in Italian Avanguardia Nazionale, was a nationalist, anti-communist and anti-bourgeois movement founded in 1960 and led by Stefano Delle Chiaie (1936-2019).      The following is a translation of a chapter of the 2012 autobiographical book by Stefano Delle Chiaie: “L’aquila e il condor” (The Eagle and the Condor). It narrates the events that led to the murder in La Paz, Bolivia, of Pierluigi Pagliai, a young Italian political militant and friend of Delle Chiaie.      On August 2, 1980, a bomb exploded in the Bologna, Italy, railroad station, killing eighty-five people and wounding hundreds. It was the cruelest of the series of bloody attacks that began with the 1969 bombing of the branch of Banca Nazionale dell’Agricoltura, in Milan.      Right away, the government authorities decided to orient the investigation toward a phantomatic “black medusa,” that is, an international extreme-right organization, although there were several other tracks they c

Let the slaughter begin

                               The following is the translation from Italian of a chapter of Gabriele Adinolfi's book  Orchestra Rossa,  published by AVATAR editions. The subtitle of the book reads: "Massacres: the truth that may not be told." The massacres began with the ruthless bombing of a Milan branch of the Banca Nazionale dell'Agricoltura in 1969. That year marked the beginning of a bloody terrorist campaign in Italy. The truth about who carried it out cannot be told, at least openly, because it conflicts with the official version of the events, that has been enshrined now in books, films, documentaries and sadly even in the final decisions issued by some Italian courts.  The disastrous Italian defeat in WWII was followed by the total loss of sovereignty of the Italians over their own land. The defeat turned Italy from an open battlefield to a terrain disputed in a covered war among foreign and domestic combatants, which turned sanguinary during the 1970's