


    African Black Magic. It is all over us

    by Roberto Dal Bosco

        It is impossible that anyone who knows anything about non-European spirituality did not think that the assault by a Congolese lady against Italian senator Matteo Salvini, on September 9, 2020, might have been impregnated with an African “magical” element.

        In fact, the nature of the act was made self-evident by the words and the actions of the one who carried it out. “I curse you,” she yelled. Then she tore up his shirt and his Rosary that very contested symbol even by the corrupt hierarchy of the Church that he always wears around his neck.

        Later, another video emerged in which the woman darkly yelled: “You will see blood.”

        In short, it was a religious act in every way.



        The daily newspaper Il Giornale, later followed by other newspapers, was the first to bring up the notion that the act might have been something inspired by African black magic greeted by the usual jumble of sneering progressive know-it-alls.

        The Milan daily interviewed a knowledgeable expert of Afro-American cults, who admitted that the thought had also occurred to him: the tearing of the Rosary could have been an attempt to take from Matteo Salvini his protective amulet; and the shirt might have been torn to obtain a piece of an object belonging to the person, to make it the focus of an actual cursing ritual.

        Anyone, like the writer, who has, even minimally, personally experienced Africa, knows that no one in Africa takes black magic lightly, not even white Africans. The witch doctors, who in every village perform the role of shamans and physicians, instill fear; and sometimes become the protagonists of inexplicable tales, which defy rationality.

        Roberto Calderoli knows something about it. Calderoli, an Italian senator from Salvini’s party, was cursed by the African father of former Secretary Kyenge (a minister in a past Italian government) in a ritual that featured a cauldron and his photograph. Calderoli says that, during that memorable year, he went through all sort of things: “six operations, deaths in the family, snakes in his home.”

        Performances like the one offered by the Congolese woman who attacked Matteo Salvini are not at all rare in Africa. They are actually the norm. Incomparable hysterics, which according to someone are true demonic possessions, are common among women during Masses. Local faithful are used to them, strangers are befuddled.

        Whoever is not familiar with episodes of possession among African people could watch Jean Rouch’s Les Maitres fous, a 1955 classic of documentary moviemaking. If one can get past the scene in which a possessed man devours a live dog, one will arrive to enlightening conclusions about our migrants’ hip-hop music and the recent episodes of the cats roasted in the street.

        What the Il Giornale and the specialist in Afro-American religion did not say, however, is that the penetration of African spirituality in Italy has been an established reality since the 1990’s, carrying with it an irrefutable criminal character. The unfortunate victims of the black trade, who end up as prostitutes on the street, are blackmailed by the gangs not only with the threat of taking their passports and of retaliation against their families at home. No, as it emerges from many recent events, there is also a purely magical aspect to the story, with spells and curses aimed at striking the girls if they escaped the prostitution and exploitation scheme. Very often, the perpetrators of these horrendous feats of magic are women, matron-witches. But contrary to what Westerners might believe, African witchcraft is not solely about women. It is also a man’s affair, and even men who are not sorcerers can abandon themselves to magical criminal acts.

        This element jumped out – and it is very strange that nobody pointed it out in this occasion – in the case of Pamela Mastropietro, the girl that was slaughtered in Macerata in January 2018. For the ones who do not remember, the neck and the genitals of the girl, they said, had disappeared. Then, since the date of the 2018 elections was approaching, they said they had found them. At the same time, the coroner who studied the poor remains of Pamela stated that a “job” like that, with the bones completely cleaned, was something “never before seen, read or written about in the literature of anatomic pathology.”

        The possible affiliation of the murder suspects with the Nigerian Mafia was discussed. The recourse to magical rituals by the Nigerian Mafia, with dismemberment of bodies and human sacrifices, is routine.

        The Nigerian Mafia gangs derive from the university fraternities, established by the Britons, and modeled on the British ones, which were later encouraged and supported by the military and by foreign interests as a means to counterbalance the power of the trade-unions. When the fraternities lost their goliardic-student character, they turned to the darker local traditions, with black magic and all that came with it. To this day, in Nigeria these gangs are still called “cults,” as a way of emphasizing their “religious” aspect, rather than the criminal one.

        It must be pointed out that the Black Axe, one of the main Nigerian “cults” is tolerated by the Sicilian mafia, to the point that someone even ventilated that it might even hold a “seat” in the “board of directors.”  The fact is that the Nigerian mafia has made agreements with everybody, from the Yakuza to the Colombian cartel.

        In the case of Nigeria, it must be said that the issue of sorcery far from being just a chance for the secular progressives to snicker is taken very seriously by the legislators. The country has passed laws to punish the possession of human skulls (Criminal Code 1990, Section 329) and the threat of sorcery (Section 210).

        According to a document from the Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada, ritual murders are “common practice” in Nigeria, and they have been in constant increase during the past twenty years.

        A local paper, the Vanguard, reported that ritual murders also mainly affect the upper layers of society, with a peak reached when political elections are imminent. The motive is always the same: a propitiatory human sacrifice as a magic ritual to help one’s own life and career; or to sell the body parts to make potions for the same purpose. The cases are innumerable, and in Nigeria are not even hidden that much. There is a market for human body parts.

        “The studies reports the Vanguard reveal that the female parts are more in demand than the male ones. That is because what is described as the “power” of some organs, like breasts and genitals, in the contest of money-related rituals performed by “herbalists,” that is shamans, or “occult groups.” One’s memory goes back to Pamela Mastropietro’s missing body parts. 

        “We found out that a fresh human head can sell from 60,000 Naira up (about $ 150); while a skull sells for 20,000. Fresh legs cost 30,000 Naira each, while a decomposed leg sells for 20,000. A fresh finger is sold for 5,000. 3,000 if it is decomposed. Fresh intestines cost 20,000, and dry ones 5000. Pieces of fresh bones are sold for 2,000 Naira and more.”

        There is a parallel human remains traffic that developed concurrently with the human sacrifices’ one. It is the cemetery trade. The keepers do a good business exhuming bodies after burial and selecting the parts that might interest the potion-makers.

        In 2015, a politician from the southwest of Nigeria was caught by his driver with a body of a few-days-old baby. According to the rumor the man was not named by the press he was drinking the blood.

        But it is not only Nigeria that suffers from murderous black magic. A French missionary told the writer a short time ago: “In Gabon, I was told that the number of disappearing children increased close to the elections, because human sacrifices increased.”

        It is worth reiterating it: the ferocious African gods reached Italy, with their horrors and human sacrifices they are among us now. And it was inevitable, because they came with migration. If something is not done to stem this satanic death cult, we should prepare ourselves to ever more unspeakable cases. Much more serious than a roughed-up politician.

        Let’s take, for example, what happened in London, where African migration penetrated forcefully well before it did in Italy. A few years ago, the torso of a black boy was found in the Thames (torso means that all the rest, head and limbs, had been cut off). In the stomach of the boy, the autopsy found seeds of an African plant and some gold. Think about the peculiarity of this act. Why would someone put a precious metal in the belly of a child to be thrown away? If you looked for an economic reason, you would not find one. The answer is that it was a ritualistic act of a cult of death.

        Whoever believes that massive migration only prepares the terrain for an ethnic replacement is just mistaken. It is much more than that. Immigration from Africa prepares a true religious upheaval, which will replace the sacrifice of Christ with human sacrifice.

        No more prayers, but curses. No more rosaries, but magic potions instead. No more Holy Masses, but immolation of young girls. No more Eucharist, but cannibalism. No more love of God, but the inebriation of massacre with body parts market annexed.

        A world dominated by a Necro-culture with an African accent. Can we just pretend that nothing is happening?






Thanks to J.J. Pavese for reviewing the English text.


L. Pavese












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